Verikai FAQ's


How often is your data refreshed?

Most of our data is refreshed daily. Some sources are more or less frequent.

Do I upload all employees or just those on the plan? We’d prefer a full member census (excluding the waivers). If you cannot provide a full member census, please provide an employee census (excluding the waivers).

Is Verikai HIPPA compliant?

Do you use PHI? Yes. We are PII compliant, and our platform automatically and immediately de-identifies any PII data you send to us, so we never see nor house any client PII information. The census PII is encrypted and cannot be pulled out from the database once it is put in. We have completed exercises with multiple DOIs to ensure we are compliant. We do NOT store PHI.

How do I handle hyphenated last names in a census?

Hyphenated names can contain or not contain the hyphen; adding or removing this will not affect the match rate.

How do I handle last names that include Jr. Sr. ESQ?

Include this info whenever applicable

Is it better to use maiden or married last names in a census?

Married last name should be used

Is it better to use the mailing address or the residential address?

Mailing address

Is it better to use the home phone number or the cell phone number?

Cell phone number



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