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  2. Getting Started In Marketplace

Verikai Marketplace FAQ's

How many censuses can I submit?


Is there a fee for the service?

No! The Marketplace is free for brokers to use. We charge the underwriters a small override fee when a group is bound through the tool. It will be included in the premium or quotes that you get from the underwriter. You can also clarify if the quotes include all fees (the RFP section allows you to provide the commission you are expecting).

How many users can we have?

Unlimited! Invite your entire team to your brokerage account so everyone can create, send, and manage your RFPs in one place.

Do I upload all employees or just those on the plan?

We’d prefer a full member census (excluding the waivers). If you cannot provide a full member census, please provide an employee census (excluding the waivers).

Not all of my members had a match in the system. Can I still submit to eligible carriers?

Yes, most groups run through our system have an 80-85% match rate, with that number increasing to 90-95% with street address. When we do not have an individual matched in our system, we use the other information available (geography, age, gender) to make inferences about the individual based on the individual data).

Where does your data come from?

Our data comes from three main sources- publicly or purchasable data, Rx and clinical data, and claims data available through partnerships.

My group is not quotable; what does that mean?

Not quotable means we couldn’t pair this group with any underwriters in our marketplace. Just because a group isn’t quotable doesn’t mean it’s a bad group. It just means that due to their location, enrollment size, risk profile, or renewal rate competitiveness, we don’t have a match in the marketplace, but there is likely an underwriter beyond the marketplace that can help you get coverage for this group.

My group matched with a carrier; what happens next?

If the group is quotable, it means one of our carrier partners is willing to quote it. You can toggle through the "matched underwriters" to see who the group matched with. You'll need to click "submit report and request communication" in order for the carrier to receive it. There will be a waiting period until the carrier views the census and changes the status from “submitted” to “open”. From there, you can begin communicating with the carrier in the portal using the chat feature.

What are the accepted fields for tier, relationship, and enrollment?


 “ee” || “es” || “ec” || “fam” || “employee only” || “employee” || “family” || “f” || “eec” || “ees” || “eefam” || “eef” || “eefamily” || "waived" || "waiver" || "w" || "waive"


“employee” || “e” || “ee” || “spouse” || “s” || “sp” || “partner” || “child” ||“children” || “c” || “ch” || “dependent || “d”


“enrolled” || “enrollee” || “active” || “hmo” || “retiree” || “r” || “retired” || “waived” || “waiver” || “w” || “cobra” || “c”

What is the annual premium renewal rate?

The annual premium renewal rate should be the total cost for this group’s benefits. This includes the stop-loss premium, any administrative or vendor fees (TPA, underwriting, carve-out vendors), and taxes. This gives the underwriter the most robust information to see if their offer (including fees) is competitive with what the group already has for renewal so they can invest the time in their underwriting process.

Are there any discounts involved with DPC or RBP?

Our carriers love these plans and will consider these strategies. If you have any plan designs, you can always send them over in an attachment when you submit a census.

What type of underwriting experience should we expect?

Each of our carrier partners has set up different risk parameters, so as you start matching with each one, you will notice trends in what type of business they write and how they operate. The portal has an easy-to-use messaging system where you can ask questions, send additional documents, and communicate with the underwriter directly.

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